Ray Chen is the Keys and Joan Curry/Cullen Trust Endowed Chair at The University of Texas Austin. Chen is the director of the Nanophotonics and Optical Interconnects Research Lab, at the Microelectronics Research Center. He is also the director of the AFOSR MURI-Center for Silicon Nanomembrane involving faculty from Stanford, UIUC, Rutgers, and UT Austin. He received his BS degree in Physics in 1980 from the National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan, his MS degree in physics in 1983, and his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering in 1988, both from the University of California. He joined UT Austin in 1992 to start the optical interconnect research program. From 1988 to 1992 Chen worked as a research scientist, manager, and director of the Department of Electro-Optic Engineering at the Physical Optics Corporation in Torrance, California.
R. Fabian Pease received the BA, MA and PhD degrees from Cambridge University. His doctoral research was to improve the resolution of the scanning electron microscope to better than 10nm. In 1964 he was appointed Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at University of California where he continued his research into scanning electron microscopy. In 1967 he joined Bell Telephone Laboratories where he first researched digital television and then supervised a group developing electron beam lithography.

Professor John A. Rogers obtained BA and BS degrees in chemistry and in physics from the University of Texas, Austin, in 1989. From MIT, he received SM degrees in physics and in chemistry in 1992 and the PhD degree in physical chemistry in 1995. From 1995 to 1997, Rogers was a Junior Fellow in the Harvard University Society of Fellows. During this time he also served as a Director for Active Impulse Systems, a company based on his PhD research that he co-founded in 1995 and which was acquired by a large company in 1998.

Dr. Wei Jiang is an assistant professor in the electrical and computer engineering department of Rutgers University. His research interests encompass photonic crystals, silicon photonics, nanophotonics, optical interconnects, and nanoimprint. He received his B.S. degree in physics from Nanjing University, Nanjing, China in 1996. He obtained his M.A. degree in physics in 2000 and his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2005 from the University of Texas at Austin.

Seth Bank received the B.S. degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1999 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in 2003 and 2006 from Stanford University, all in electrical engineering. In 2006, he was a post-doctoral scholar at the University of California at Santa Barbara. He joined the faculty of The University of Texas at Austin in the spring of 2007 as an Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.

Dr. Emanuel Tutuc earned his Ph.D. in physics from Princeton University in 2004 and worked as a post-doctoral researcher at IBM TJ Watson Research Center before joining The University of Texas at Austin faculty in 2006.

I am interested in all aspects of nonlinear laser-plasma interactions at ultra-high intensities. This is one of the most rapidly growing fields of plasma physics which concerns itself with the nonlinear phenomena which take place when a laser pulse with intensity I > 1018 W/cm2 interacts with matter. At such intensities, the words "matter" and "plasma" can be used interchangeably because of the complete tunneling ionization of what used to be a gas/solid.